About Me

I am curious by nature. I like to research and experience many different topics. You could say that I like to understand how the world works, what people drive and companies do. I have had a rich business career, visited many countries, learned about cultures, and met many beautiful people all over the world. Every conversation, experience and education has contributed to who I am today. In recent years I have followed an intensive spiritual path using plant medicine. The plants have taught me that there is no absolute ‘truth’. We as a collective, all people, animals, plants, and mother earth determine what reality looks like. Furthermore, I believe that a better world starts from within. The spiritual path shows individuals that everybody is a powerful creator of reality.

It shows that we are able to learn from each other instead of competing with each other. We are all one piece of a large puzzle, which creates the Universe. If you want to create a better world, unwrap the man-made programs and beliefs that you have adopted and find your soul essence. What do I mean by that? Sometimes people say that I don’t fit in a box. I’ve struggled with that in the past. I’ve always had to play a specific role to fit in. Today I am free of these struggles because to you, I am everything you say I am. We are all projections of others (our environment) but eventually I solely am accountable for my life and happiness. Just as you are. I don’t want to be pigeonholed in terms of who I should be and what I should do. That limits the number of possibilities that our world has. Moreover, as human beings, we are so much more than just a function, partner, parent, or child of. Those are the roles that our society recognizes. Once you understand that we can all play very different roles, including roles we don’t like, you can consciously choose who you want to be as an individual.

I was   ~    I am  ~   I will be

I am everything you believe I am

What can you expect from my messages and guidance?

My books, courses and all information are mostly based on my findings, ancient knowledge, and business experience. This means that I often say that something is my opinion, experience or insight. You can consider these messages as a paradigm and a possible direction. I will also ask you a lot of questions because everyone has their own process and different experiences. My goal is to inspire, enthuse and give you the courage you need to become the best version of you in a protected environment without judgments. All my methods have a spiritual component with the purpose to live a happy life on Earth, since we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Being human provides the possibilities to have a great deal of fun.


The plants have shown me that I am a medicine woman. Several years ago, I received Light Language without understanding the purpose. During my journey to Costa Rica, an indigenous tribe initiated my role as a medicine woman and energy healer. Or a Shaman if you will. The title really isn’t important, it solely means that I can assist you to find the essence of your soul, the core of your pain and help to purify your energy.

Who would I like to guide?

I no longer believe in competition. This is a concept invented by mankind. We are all unique in some way. That means I enjoy working with everyone I sync with. So, it’s mainly about the click, based on intuition from both sides. Moreover, I also enjoy the earthly things such as eating together, dancing, music, and business conversations with, for example, creative entrepreneurs.