Daniëlle's Corner

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True Freedom

Lately, I have been pondering about the definition of freedom. It has always carried very important value in my life. In this blog I share my latest insight about this...

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All over the world, no matter where you are born, human sovereignty is deteriorating. For many decades our sovereignty has already been compromised by society but now it is increasing...

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Get started with these free booklets

Dive into various (spiritual) topics with these booklets. The booklets are designed to get you started with these topics with the goal of getting to know yourself better and finding out what makes you truly happy.

Dark night of the soul

This booklet provides you with insights of phase 2 of the spiritual growth process, The Dark Night of the Soul. At this moment many people are in this phase or will embark it very soon. It’s the most challenging phase of the process. Especially because it’s a journey within, whereas the first phase is mainly about observing and analyzing the outer world. The purpose of this phase is to understand the essence of your soul and the core of your pain.

Ascension process

In this booklet you will find information about the spiritual growth process in general. This process can be divided in three main phases. The length, intensity and methods are personally determined. Therefore, the booklet is meant to provide you with some information about what to expect. The spiritual growth process is a very personal path and often feels lonely. Maybe the knowledge that you aren’t alone, will support you and encourage you to continue.

Plant Medicine

This booklet provides insights about the assistance of plant medicine during the spiritual growth process. The main spiritual concepts are explained. However, these concepts can’t be understood with the rational mind, they need to be experienced or felt. Plant teachers have a beautiful and loving way to show these concepts. It’s a very intense path and calls for the necessity to integrate the lessons in daily life. Without doing the ‘work’, the lessons are pretty much useless.


Increasingly more people are talking about extraterrestrial experiences. Whereas in the early days this topic was a taboo, it becomes more common to discuss this topic. The more people embark on the path of spiritual growth, the more the insight that we are spiritual beings, having a human experience will be adopted. The third phase of the spiritual growth process is about multidimensional awareness. This booklet provides you with a few insights on this topic as a result of my own journey.

Light Language

Light language is a high vibrational language. A few years ago, I received the ability to speak Light Language. Until recently I didn’t understand the purpose of this ability. During my recent journey to Costa Rica, the purpose became clear. In this booklet I share my story and insights about this topic.

Pura Vida

‘Everything is energy’. In this booklet I share a few of my insights about my journey to Pura Vida. Pura Vida is widely adopted concept in Costa Rica and I was privileged to explore this life style during my stay in Costa Rica. Basically, Pura Vida is a lifestyle aligned with universal laws and cycles of Mother Earth. To me it means ‘all is one’ and therefore energy can be felt in everything and everybody around us.

Quantum Healing

This booklet is an introduction to the keys of the universe or the universal laws, if you will. It’s an introduction to the quantum field as well as the concepts ‘As above, so below’ and ‘As within, so without’. Understanding these universal laws enables you to be a powerful co-creator of reality on earth.

Happiness Quest

This booklet discusses my personal goals towards happiness instead of the widely adopted addiction to pain among humanity.

My Version of the Inner Goddess

We are all inner Gods and inner Goddesses. Once you’ve retrieved your ancient wisdom and understand your original blueprint, it’s easy to define who really want to be in your human form. As an example, I provide you with my version of the inner Goddess.

The Fasting Experience

During an intense spiritual path, I gained a lot of weight. No matter my efforts, I simply couldn’t lose the superfluous pounds. In January 2022, I was directed to start a fast. Next to my personal purpose to lose weight, this fasting process provided me with additional spiritual insights. In this booklet, I share a few of those insights. Our body is a smart ‘machine’ and the fasting process showed me the benefits for spiritual growth as well. However, I already had finished up an intense journey of 10 years. Therefore, fasting as well is a method that feels good to you and should be supported by your body. You are the only one who can decide whether this is a suitable method for you personally.

Earth from a Multidimensional Perspective

In this booklet I share my perspective on planet earth from a multidimensional perspective. It’s literally my insight on how reality is created and the purpose of humanity on earth. It’s solely meant as a perspective to consider or inspire.